[feb 28, 2010]
I'm working on a couple of neat projects for CrossWing Inc.
[june 30, 2009]
Another one of UW's crazy ideas: the new branding. Every term UW comes up with something that makes me ask "Why, oh why?"
pdeng, managment engineering program, WatIam, and now the logo... at least it keeps life interesting.
[july 31,2009]
We recently got back from the MATE competition in Buzzard's Bay, MA. We didnt complete all the mission tasks, but that's to blame on the fact that we didnt have enough ROV flight practice.
[sept 29, 2008]
Homework and assignments have already piled up
since we're about 4 weeks into the term. The design of the UW2TT underwater robot
are very close to completion, and we'll hopefully be building it later on in the term.
Plans for the real-time operating system (RTX) each member in our class must participate in creating are well under way. Our RTX group is all set up and ready to go with things like a subversion repository and group managing software.
[may 8, 2008]
I have just recently begun another coop term. I am now working at an automation
plant, in the programming and PLC dept.
[march 6, 2008]
As part of our Materials of Deformable Solids course, students in the mechatronics
2011 graduating class participated in a project that was required to support an 8kg
mass 5cm above the ground. The project was to use only spaghetti and hot glue as
materials. The lightest structure was measured at approximately 3.9 grams. This
structure supported 2000 times its own weight.